Saturday, October 10, 2015


One week later we knew, Number One, our very much appreciated and valued friends would not join us.
Number Two surprised us immensely…we hardly know them… they have no idea what the plane looks and feels like and guess what…they want to join us.

Sie sind so mutig!!!

Questions started to fly. How does this work, How does "the toilet" work? What can they/ we take? How about visas?  Clothing? How long at the time do we spend in the air? What must the luggage look like? What hotels? What if the pilot becomes ill? What if the passenger becomes ill?
 Questions we tried to answer and yet we ourselves were not sure of the one or other issue coming up.
But one thing we knew at that time and, nothing has changed, we know right now:

Dietmar will make it as safe and committed and easy to the body as possible, we are planning to offer our Mitflieger and Passengers  their best time ever.

The pictures I have from them do not do them justice, I must find something better and I will post them as soon as possible.
Fortsetzung folgt.

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