Friday, October 9, 2015


2015 September

The decision was quick and easy.
And impulsive, that’s the way we both work. We are impulsive and quick and easy with things we WANT TO DO!
Six weeks ago we are sitting on our balcony with Gin and Tonic -that’s the best way to become quick and easy and impulsive- and SHE is saying to HIM:
"This year on my special birthday I have nothing adventurous planned",

...the hike in Peru 2016 was cancelled
...subsequently the MTB Trip on the highest passable road in the Himalayan Mountains postponed due to my broken wrist earlier in the year.
..."10 years ago we climbed Kilimanjaro
...5 years ago we went on a trekking tour to Base Camp Mount Everest", this year nothing?!!

The timing was really good to talk about this subject. After the second Gin and Tonic, the wonderful suggestion came from HIM:
"How about us fetching the Silver Eagle from Europe and fly it back to Cape Town"
The decision was made in 30 Seconds, we are going to fly the Silver Eagle right across Europe over Africa to Cape Town.
What an adventure. What a privilege. And what a man. Thank You for that.

It did not take us long to get going with the planning and scheming. Ipads  Maps Books all came out.

And the question of timing was also solved very fast, we did not want to go over the  Alps in the middle of winter and we did not want to enter Africa in the highest of summer and we did not want to wait until middle of next year.
Therefore we needed to leave right away so to speak or as soon as possible.
Whow, that is quite short notice even for us.

And the question, will we be able to take passengers, was also answered soon…yes, if we can leave our Gummiwurst full of Jet Fuel behind, yes, we could take two passengers.

The question of "who that might be?" never arose.
Since flying around the world we were asked by numerous people, people we know well, and people we do not know very well, if they could join us on any  future flying adventures and would we contact them once we were planning to go on pad.
We always wrote every ones name down and we  dated and numbered them, we knew exactly who contacted us first and who we had and would ask first……
Der Erste Kommt  Zuerst. The German Way.
We sat long time on that balcony, and we had  a wonderful time planning and talking and making decisions, and celebrating and appreciating our life in all its glory.
We are very grateful for all the opportunities we have, for all the choices we have and we thank God for our good life.


  1. Hallo Veronika, wir kennen uns nicht, aber haben gemeinsame Freunde, nämlich Jürgen und Silke, die ja mit euch diese tolle Reise machen. Ich habe gerade mit Jürgen telefoniert und er war einverstanden, dass ich euch ein Bild für euren Block schicke. Ich hatte vorhin schon ein mail an euch geschickt, weiß aber nicht, ob das angekommen ist. Komischerweise ist bei mir auf der Blogseite kein Button, wo ich mich registrieren kann. Ich habe gemeinsam mit Jürgen diese Seite angeschaut, er hat einen Button, ich nicht. Wie kann das sein??
    Viele Grüße
    Marianne und Manfred Jabbusch

  2. Wieso kommt mein Mail so komisch an, als ob ich kein deutsch kann??

  3. Hallo Marianne. Bitte sende mir mal Deine email addresse an Ich werde dann antworten.
